2015 Dalian International Graphic Design Biennale
2015 Dalian International Graphic Design Biennial is one of the most important cultural events for building the ‘2015 Big Apple International Cultural Music Festival, the biggest all star music festival in Northeast-ern China.
The Biennial invites the graphic designers from all over the world for the first time, aimed to introduce different design cultures to Dalian China, sharing the exciting experience of Design and Music, bringing desi-gn culture to the mainstream and starting a new page for the design in Dalian.
2015 China-Italy International Design Week-The Evoling Silk Road
The theme of this year’s edition of Italy Design Week is “The Evolution of the Silk Road” as to spread traditional culture by showcasing brands and content related to concept design. The collection will include outstanding works from cutting edge designers of different nationalities. The aim is to reproduce how the distant Silk Road appeared to people who discovered a new world filled with hope, but also to show how cultural exchange and mutual understanding can improve trade relations..
“从长安到罗马,从罗马到洛阳,始于丝路,贯之欧亚,继往开来,源远流长” 丝绸之路,这条延伸在欧亚大陆北部的商业贸易纽带,成为传播人类文明重要的渠道。从西汉时期张骞的“凿空之旅”,到19世纪末李希霍芬命名“丝绸之路”,这条漫漫长路上贸易的不仅仅是商品与货物,同时承载了亚欧各国和古今中国之间漫长的文化交通和友谊发展。 时至今日,我们得以了解西方文化,能站立在雄伟壮观的雕像或画作前仰观,抑或能在阳光静谧流淌的午后,坐在咖啡店的沙发里听着古典钢琴喝咖啡,更或者坐在异国他乡的教室里接受千差万别的文化熏陶,都是拜前人的艰辛行走所赐。今天,我们要重申“丝绸之路”,它已不再是历史里单一的往来途径,传播也不再是万里骆驼,不再是马可波罗笔下的“衣绫罗绸缎”,而是进化为一种符号、一种理念在新的历史条件下焕发新机。本届意大利中意设计周将以“进化中的丝绸之路”为主题,以传播传统文化为基点,以展示品牌设计理念为内容,征集各个国家优秀的设计作品,以设计师新锐的语言重新描述在遥远丝路上,人们发现世界和被世界认识的景愿,也为更进一步的文化交流,更深层次的贸易往来作出贡献。
2016 ADCK ASIA Young Design Invitation Exhibition
2016 ADCK 亚洲 Young Design 邀请展
The first 2016 ADCK Asia Young Design Invitation Exhibition aims to unite young graphic designers and researchers within Asia. With ‘ The Future’ as the main concept, the exhibition provides an extensive platform for young designers to discuss and explore into the world of visual language. The broad communicate between young Asian designers give art and design a chance to fuse and collide.
2016 ADCK Asia Young Design Invitation Exhibition will be held in Lang Art Gallery in Seoul, Korea onMar.9th, 2016 together with the opening ceremony. A spectacle of design work, the exhibition featured the young generation of design and ideas. Let’s enjoy the gathering of young excellent designers here in this coming spring and give the attitude of design a brand new interpretation.
第一届2016ADCK 亚洲 Young Design邀请展期望联合亚洲范围的平⾯设计师和研究者,以“未”为主要概念,对视觉语言进行新的探索和探讨,旨在组织联合促进亚洲平面力量与世界范围内设计艺术的交流与碰撞,为优秀设计师提供更为广阔的交流平台。
本届2016ADCK 亚洲 Young Design 邀请展将于2016年3月9日在韩国首尔Iang美术馆举行开幕并展出,邀请展将成为汇聚亚洲最优秀设计师作品的饕餮盛宴,2016年的春天,亚洲优秀设计师将汇聚在于此,在韩国、在中国重新诠释这个时代设计师的设计态度。
2016 New Vision Korea Asia Posters Design Exhibition
2016 新视角韩国亚太杰出海报设计邀请展
The digital media has developed rapidly in 21st century. They bring important variances in the mass communication and the way we convey messages. How designers treat creations and culture development also has tricky chemical changes due to digital media. The exhibition attempts to respond to the fairly important issues of contemporary design through designers' creations. Also, it tries to sort out and rethink the new direction of graphic design in creating richer cultural and intellectual values in the next digital era. The exhibition invites representative and outstanding Asian poster designers to convey the imagination and concern about contemporary design trend and Asian culture in 21st century. At the same time, to bring distinctive feelings of new creation for audiences.